【同义词辨析】 2018-06-21 溺爱indulge-mollycoddle

indulge: implies excessive compliance and weakness in gratifying another's or one's own wishes or desires: ~ herself with food at the slightest excuse.

pamper: implies an inordinate gratification of an appetite or desire for luxury and comfort: ~ by the conveniences of modern living.

humor: stresses a yielding to a person's moods or whims: ~ him by letting him tell the story. (whim: 突然出现改变的想法)

spoil: stresses the injurious effects of indulging or pampering on character: fond but foolish parents ~ their children.

baby: implies excessive and often inappropriate care, attention, or solicitude: ~ing students by not holding them accountable. (solicitude: 牵挂He is full of tender solicitude towards my sister他对我妹妹满心牵挂)

mollycoddle: suggests an excessive degree of care and attention to another's health or wellfare: refused to ~ her teenaged patients.

indulge纵容放纵: 意志虚弱过度满足(comply遵守,gratify心理满足)愿望欲望,pamper溺爱: 给予过度的豪华舒适,humor顺从: 让步于某人的心情突然想法,spoil惯坏: 强调纵容溺爱对性格损害影响,baby娇惯: 过度或不当的关爱牵挂,mollycoddle溺爱: 过度关注健康福祉

记忆方法:1)首字母重写为PHI ShangBangMangPHI是词根表示喜爱==>爱上帮忙<==溺爱

          2)溺爱的意思是不恰当地关照某人愿望感情mean to show undue favor or attention to a person's desires or feelings.